A descent into horror for 5e or any RPG that will make your campaign and characters better—optimized for an awesome online experience.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
GM Tools Added! What Does the House Do Next?
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 12:23:01 AM
Everything about The Darkest House is designed to optimize the GM’s experience when running games online. With this latest stretch goal reached, you've unlocked a suite of GM tools that will make The Darkest House even easier to run.
But that helps you, the GM. The house itself is hardly satisfied with this outcome.
It has grown several times since this campaign launched, but it is not enough for the House that Hungers. It is never enough. The house wants to grow, again and again, becoming more dangerous and more frightening.
And it needs your help. It is consumed with jealousy toward you. But without you it is nothing.
Help the house reach $130,000, and it will grow again. The house itself will gain several more rooms, and the Devoured Halls will gain a room as well. Here are just a few ways you can make that happen:
Check out this subreddit. Post something there, and maybe upvote a post or two. (Searching reddit for The Darkest House turns up some other great threads worth checking out, too.)
Tweet about #TheDarkestHouse. Perhaps tag some friends, or people you know who are influential in the community.
As the house grows, so does your reward. This is a short campaign—it’s almost halfway over—so act now to help the house reach this and hopefully many more stretch goals!
The House Grows—and the House Acts!
almost 4 years ago
– Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 09:24:21 PM
You hear a sound from the darkness down the corridor ahead—or was it from above, perhaps upstairs? A muffled thump, and then a slow scrape. Something moving, or perhaps being dragged. It was brief—and now there’s only silence.
What might it have been? Impossible to tell, but one thing’s for sure: something is out there, and it may be headed your way.
There’s an interesting mechanic in The Darkest House. Whenever a player makes a roll—every time—they also roll a die for the house itself. If the house die is successful, the house acts. Sometimes the house’s action is just a sound, a movement nearby, or some other indicator that the house is reacting to the PCs. Sometimes the action is more insidious and directly harmful to them. Regardless, the house’s actions become increasingly ominous and increasingly dangerous until . . . well, you’ll find out.
We have hit the latest stretch goal: the house has grown. New rooms have appeared within it—and within the Devoured Halls as well. Your reward has become bigger and better!
But that is not all. This time, the house has also acted. Perhaps it is nothing—just a sound. Or perhaps something is getting closer.
If that’s the case, it will reveal itself in the future. For now, we look forward to another stretch goal. At $120,000, we’ll add a suite of GM tools to The Darkest House. These will include such items as a GM reference (which makes it easier, among other things, to track the house’s actions), custom character sheets for the House System, and perhaps a key management tool. This suite of items will further enhance the ease of running The Darkest House.
The momentum and buzz for this campaign are awesome, but there are thousands of gamers out there who still haven’t discovered The Darkest House. Help them make their way in, and we’ll hit this goal and more!
Send out a tweet about #thedarkesthouse. Perhaps tag some friends, or people you know who are influential in the community.
Post about it on Facebook, Instagram, or reddit.
Comment on this thread on EN World, or this one on RPG.net.
This is a short campaign—there are just two weeks left. Help the house—and your rewards—grow bigger and better!
The House has Grown, but So Has Its Hunger
almost 4 years ago
– Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 07:48:54 PM
The Darkest House is sometimes known as the House that Hungers. It hates you, but it wants you. It relishes its solitude, but it constantly lures new victims. It is itself a nightmare, but its appetite for your nightmares is never sated.
It has many rooms, but they are never enough.
Thanks to your support, the house has grown. It has reached into the worlds it touches and taken new rooms into itself. It is bigger, home to more horror—and so, now, is your reward for backing this campaign.
But it is never enough, and the house’s hunger only gets stronger. It wishes to grow again. This time it will take less to spur its growth: at $110,000 (a step of only $10,000 this time) the house will grow again. More rooms will appear within its bounds. And not just the house itself—The Devoured Halls will expand as well.
Only you can make this happen. There are tens of thousands of gamers out there—tens of thousands of worlds—that the House that Hungers has not yet reached. Help them discover the House, and your reward will continue to grow. It’s that simple.
Send out a tweet about #thedarkesthouse. Perhaps tag some friends, or people you know who are influential in the community.
Buzz about The Darkest House is growing. But this is a short campaign. Make the most of it—give The Darkest House the most content—by helping that buzz grow now!
New Sounds Drift through the House’s Lonely Hall
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 02:14:18 PM
What whispers echo through the house’s empty corridors?
The House that Hungers is a lonely place, but it is not alone. Throughout its many rooms, spirits, creatures, and aspects of the house itself linger, silently awaiting the return of the living. They lie quiet now, but will find their voice when your PCs wander into their domains—and your support of this campaign has made that literally true!
We have hit our stretch goal and will add sound to The Darkest House. We’ll add spoken dialog and other sound to various rooms to enhance the experience. Just as the GM can easily share handouts, text, and other assets, this will be a feature the GM can share with players—the whole group, or just that one player who hears a quiet whisper in their ear.
This does not sate the house. Quite to the contrary: its hunger grows. It wants more rooms—more life—more terror.
At $100,000, the house will grow again. It will add several more rooms. The Devoured Halls will grow as well, adding at least one additional room.
This can only happen with your help. Please spread the word, on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, reddit, EN World, RPG.net—anywhere you and other gamers discuss RPGs. Help unlock these new rooms, grow the house, and move on to even more stretch goals to make your rewards bigger and better!
The House Has Grown. What Does It Sound Like?
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 12:12:45 AM
For better or worse, you have done it. After summoning the House that Hungers into our world—and, consequently, the worlds of your games—you have fed it, and it has grown. You’ve spread the word about The Darkest House, drawn more gamers to its attention, and unlocked what we hope to be the first of several expansions of The Darkest House.
Your achievement is not without cost, however. The house doesn’t just make rooms. It finds them. It steals them. That which you have given the house has been taken from someone, somewhere.
And the house still hungers.
Listen carefully. Is that a distant muttering? The shuffling sound of approaching feet? The soft giggling of a child—or a devilish proposition whispered in your ear?
At $85,000, we’ll add sound and spoken dialog to various rooms to enhance the experience. Just as the GM can easily share handouts, text, and other assets, this will be a feature the GM can share with players—the whole group, or that one player who hears that ghostly voice.
This Kickstarter campaign has had an amazing start. Please keep spreading the word to the many thousands of gamers out there who haven’t heard about The Darkest House yet. Every new backer takes us a step closer to adding sound—and future stretch goals.